Would you like to experience what you can do after your graduation?
Are you looking for an internship?
To sign up for an orientation day just go to the company page and fill in your personal information and the information of your fellow student(s). Then you can send your request with one click. Within 7 days the company will let you know if your request is approved. You can send as many requests as you like and these orientation days are free and always will be free!
Is there an orientation day specifically planned for you education? Then you can find these under 'fixed data'. Do you want to oranize an orientation day for the whole class? Please contact us via koen@bedrijvenmeeloopdag.nl
Would you like to visit a company that is not yet on the list? Let us know via koen@bedrijvenmeeloopdag and we will contact them to ask if they want to join BedrijvenMeeloopDag.
If you have any questions you can always contact us!